Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Splinter in Your Soul

Hello again my good people. Have you ever like someone who did not like you back? Almost all people have gone through this. For whatever reason, you like this one person and they're feelings are not mutual.

If the person you fancy is a good person, they'll just say no in a kind way, so at least you have respect for them. However, there are those who are manipulative. They know you are interested and toy with you. They manipulate you because they find it entertaining. However, you do not realize that you are under their influence until it is too late.

I have absolutely no respect for these type of people. I don't have ill wishes against them, but i don't wish them any good. The sad thing is, that the first person you truly like, is the person who you can never forget, even after time has passed and those wounds have been supposedly healed. You will always have that feeling of wondering what could have happened had it worked out.

Like everyone else, I am guilty of this. I used to like someone, but it didn't work. Sadly, this person was the second type of person we discussed. Even now, she still manages to creep into my mind. I wish i could forget about her, but i don't think I ever will. I've thought about the things i went through for the relationship to work, and I realized i wasted alot of time, when I could have worked on other, more important things, such as my music. However, I grew from this experience, and gained even greater self respect for myself. I decided not to get stuck over something and to move on with my life.

So, I ask you dear reader of this blog, have you ever had an experience like this? If so, what happened and did you learn anything from it?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Music that sends chills down your spine

         Hello everyone, today we're going to talk about music that gives you chills. Have you ever heard a song that you know you like, but gives you goosebumps as you hear it? Well, today I have some songs you might want to hear. You can also feel free to post your own, I'll listen to them.

The first one in our list is the Matthew's Passion by Bach. This song exudes qualities that are dark and light at the same time. For me, it is a song of unity. It shows that both light and dark can exist at the same time. It reminds us that we, as humans, are a split of our good and bad sides. Our evil and benevolent sides need to both exist. We need to know evil to know good.

The second one on our list is Mozart's Requiem. Even though it is cliche, it is cliche for a reason.To me this song is a summation of all the dark things, such as emotions and thoughts, we feel. For example, even though there are light portions of this song, they go back to the dark qualities of the other songs. They exhibit the feelings of paranoia, helplessness, and how small you are compared to an Almighty force. The amen at the end of the Requiem could be considered a sign of good things to come, or an omen, that will make people become like they would at the end of days. I know I didn't put the whole requiem, but you can search for it yourself.

Finally, we have Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. For me this song is like a thunderstorm. It starts off quiet, but then transforms into a maelstrom of fury. As a piano player, I know how difficult the sonata as a whole is. You have to perform the first and second movement very softly like an ocean view in the light of a full moon. However, with the third movement, you need to get angry, and I mean VERY angry. I could not play this song calm. Whenever i wanted to play it, i had to think of things that bothered me and only then could I play this well. The third movement also fluctuates. It goes through the little dips of calm we feel before we get even more furious. At the end, it climaxes into a final thunderbolt that ends the storm and dissipates. The picture in the first video (first movement) is what it looks like before the storm begins.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Ok guys, this blog is all about music I like and philosophy. If you don't like it, then go listen to your music. I might post all the time, I might not, all depends on my mood.
1) I am ok with differing opinions, but no opinion bashing. If there is any conflict, I will always be right.
2) Not everyone's communication skills might not be as great as the genius you are, so please take it easy for us "lower-minded" people.
3) I listen to all kinds of music, so dont be surprised if i post random songs. That's just how it is.
4) All musicians are eccentric, so if i say something musical or philosophical that sounds different, don't be surprised.
5) Just don't be assholes to other people is all. It's OK to joke around, but don't take it too far.

I know I'm gonna forget something to mention, so just use common sense. That is all.

Until next time, this is The Musician signing out.