Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Splinter in Your Soul

Hello again my good people. Have you ever like someone who did not like you back? Almost all people have gone through this. For whatever reason, you like this one person and they're feelings are not mutual.

If the person you fancy is a good person, they'll just say no in a kind way, so at least you have respect for them. However, there are those who are manipulative. They know you are interested and toy with you. They manipulate you because they find it entertaining. However, you do not realize that you are under their influence until it is too late.

I have absolutely no respect for these type of people. I don't have ill wishes against them, but i don't wish them any good. The sad thing is, that the first person you truly like, is the person who you can never forget, even after time has passed and those wounds have been supposedly healed. You will always have that feeling of wondering what could have happened had it worked out.

Like everyone else, I am guilty of this. I used to like someone, but it didn't work. Sadly, this person was the second type of person we discussed. Even now, she still manages to creep into my mind. I wish i could forget about her, but i don't think I ever will. I've thought about the things i went through for the relationship to work, and I realized i wasted alot of time, when I could have worked on other, more important things, such as my music. However, I grew from this experience, and gained even greater self respect for myself. I decided not to get stuck over something and to move on with my life.

So, I ask you dear reader of this blog, have you ever had an experience like this? If so, what happened and did you learn anything from it?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Those kind of people suck. They don't like you, but they like the fact that someone likes them, which is why they string you along.

    I've never really experienced something like that to the full extent you have, but there was this one boy. I really liked him, but he was unreadable. I didn't know if he liked me back or not. He'd give me mixed signs. I was confused.

    Turns out, he was fighting with himself, trying to decide if he wanted to date me or not.

    In the end, I got tired of waiting, and found myself one hell of a man. So it doesn't matter.

    On the other side of the spectrum, I've had other people claim to like/love me, but I didn't feel the same way. So I just politely rejected them. I think it'd have been a cruel thing to make them think I liked them too. Honesty is the best way to go so others don't get hurt.

    Anyways, don't worry, man. From the way you describe her, she didn't seem very nice anyways. It's good that you're moving on.
